.:: 1-star Units
Normal Lobby
Lobbies are the foundation of your tower. Use this tool to create lobbies.
Use this tool to create restrooms within your tower. Restrooms are used by office and mall Virts.
You can build residential condominiums with this tool. Condominiums are a great way to earn quick money but it gives you less population.
You can build office units with this tool. Office units give you slow money but more population.
Single Hotel Room
You can create single hotel rooms by using this tool. Be sure to have a enough housekeeping personnel to ensure the cleanliness of your hotel units.
Twin Hotel Room
You can create twin hotel rooms by using this tool. Be sure to have a enough housekeeping personnel to ensure the cleanliness of your hotel units.
Housekeeping Facility
Create enough of these units to keep your hotel rooms clean all the time.
Burger Place
Create a Burger Place initially so your Tower Virts will have a place to eat on. This unit will also attract outsiders to visit your tower.