.:: 2-star Units
Parking Ramps and slots
Use this tool to create parking ramps and slots in your tower. Parking units can only be placed on basement floors.
Use this tool to create apartments. Apartments generate monthly revenues and quick population with less tower space required.
Suite Hotel Room
You can create suite hotel rooms by using this tool. Be sure to have a enough housekeeping personnel to ensure the cleanliness of your hotel units.
Coffee Shop
Hotel Virts love to eat on coffee shops during breakfast. Coffee shops also attract outsiders to visit your tower.
Pizza Parlor
Pizza Parlors are best for snack time and lunch. Create enough of these to earn you extra income and attract more Virts to your tower.
Security Office
Security offices ensure the safety of your building and used more often during bomb threats. Be sure to have enough security Virts to secure your tower.
Maintenance Facility
Maintenance facilities are used primarily for putting out building fire. This unit is also required before you can advance to a 3-star rating.

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Gift Shop
Build enough gift shops to keep your Virts entertained. This will also generate you extra income.
Travel Agency
Travel Agencies are mostly used by office and hotel Virts. Creating this unit also gives you extra revenues.
Games And Gadgets
You probably know what this one does. Virts love pocket pc's so be sure you have one of these units.
Drug Store
Residential Virts use drug stores more often so be sure to have enough of these. It also lets you earn extra income.
Minimarts are a great way to earn daily extra revenues. It also attracts more outsiders to visit your tower.

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