Tips and Strategies
1. Levelling up easily. If you wish to get to 2 stars the fastest way, create lots of office units. They will give you more population but slow income.

2. Preparing for long-term. If you are the patient type, you will notice that constructing hotel rooms at one-star will get you enough money and average population. By the time you have enough money, do some combination of office and hotel units. Be wary though, that hotel units have higher maintenance costs.

3. Housekeepers! Hotel units are useless without housekeeping units. And housekeeping units are useless without service elevators so be sure to have money for all of them.

4. Burger Joint. Be sure to create a burger joint from the beginning because it helps you generate daily income.

5. Transit lay-out. Lay-out your elevator shafts, stairs, and escalators carefully. Virts' satisfaction gradually decreases as they transfer from one transit to another. Also, avoid having them pile up in queues. Sometimes having that extra lift will mean a lot to your tower rating.

6. Give 'em some parking! One of the most important and useable units in star level 2 are the parking slots and parking ramps. They provide higher satisfaction to your Virts and earn you extra income to boot. But don't put too much in your tower, you need to have some space for other basement-only units.

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7. Don't get too excited. As soon as you reach 2 stars, you'll be given loads of new commercial units. Don't scatter them around your tower because most of these units will attract "outsider" Virts which will cause pile ups and long queues on your elevator shafts. Be sure to create extra floors for these commercial units. A good strategy would be to save the first 3 or 4 floors of your tower for commercial establishments.

8. Utilities. You will also be given security and maintenance facilities at 2 stars. Place them strategically near service elevator shafts. This will save them some time in case disasters suddenly strike your tower. As soon as you have enough money, be sure to upgrade them as well by using the unit info tool.

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